

Combined footage, during side by side comparisons, left side is filmed using CamLock calibrated with these help pages. During the scenes with the insert the big screen is filmed using CamLock.

Screencamming a game, demonstrating white-balance, exposure lock effect

Indoor filming

Typical indoor scene mostly lit by daylight coming in through the window on the right which also generates a lot of backlight. This backlight is particularly repsonsible for auto-exposure going wrong. This results in a temporarily totally under exposed scene. Both shots were filmed with exposure set to the person on the right. This resulted in a little bit overexposure for the locked exposure footage. But apart from that it looks way more professional then the temporary darkness of the auto exposure scene.

Indoor filming, fighting backlight with a locked exposure on CamLock

White Balance

In this movie you can see when a color is really dominant in the composition that the auto white-balance will try to tone this color down to gray. The auto whitebalance assumes this dominant color is unwanted. In this simple example a table is the subject and when the table is the only subject you can see a drastic unwanted color shift.

Table closeup, demonstrating white-balance lock effect