Monkey Swipe brings you a great new title: "Monkey Swipe, reach for the stars!"
The objective of this game is to get to the Star, you play Monkey, a human soul trapped in a monkey face,
in order to reach your goal you'll have to manipulate your environment, use any available objects and avoid the hungry basterds, or you will be defeated.
- Tutorial mode to get familiar with most objects and mechanisms
- User switchable graphics from vector style to doodle style and vice versa
- 40 levels for free, 120 more levels packed with fun gameplay unlockable via "In App Purchase"
- Random Play Mode

Click and drag (swipe) anywhere to give your monkey the right direction and speed. All you need to do is "Reach for the Stars"
Watch the Monkey Swipe Demo video
Watch another video of Monkey Swipe on an iPad
Monkey Swipe is an Appjuice product, it's the second game from our mini gamestudio.
Cocos2d, Box2d and CocosDenshion frameworks were used for game graphics/physics and soundFX.
- Graphics* and sounds created by Johan ten Broeke & Jeroen van Goor
- Programming: Johan ten Broeke & Jeroen van Goor
Appjuice is an initiative of

Contact us
If you've played our game and have ideas/remarks that might improve our game in any way or you need some kind of help, feel free to contact us:
If you have an "App review site" and would like to review our app, then you need to get access to the paid content,
please submit your unique device id (UDID)
You can download logo's, in game screenshots, artwork and descriptive text in one zip package,
right here
Doodle level view, same level
Achievements in OpenFeint